US boosts military aid to Philippines, aims to 'contain' China

at 6:38 AM  |  2 comments

The US is boosting its military assistance to the Philippines with 50 million dollars set to be provided in aid along with more navy vessels. That's as tensions in the region continues to rise over disputed resourse-rich territories in the South China Sea. Analysts say its an increasingly assertive China, that seems to be the real reason for Washington's growing engagements in the region.

“There should be a focus on high-impact, high-value training exercises and activities that would focus on maritime security, maritime domain awareness and our perennial problem with disasters,” said Defense Undersecretary Pio Batino, who was present at the discussion. 

The Philippines was a US colony between 1898 and 1946, and the presence of American troops remains a controversial issue. The US abandoned its last base in the South Asian country in 1992. 

But tensions in the region have escalated as in the past decade Beijing began to lay forceful claims to almost the entirety of the South China Sea (which the Philippines calls West Philippine Sea), that rounds the coastlines of most of the states in the region. 

As disputes over potentially lucrative sea lanes and underground mineral resources have grown more bitter, Manila has made diplomatic appeals to the UN over what it calls “excessive claims”, and has sought greater assistance from the United States. 

“It poses a lot of danger now that military troops and their equipment will soon arrive in the country.  It might create an impression of hostility and just add to the on-going tensions in our troubled waters.” 
A heightened US military presence in the region to offset Chinese influence will only increase tensions, argues author and journalist Afshin Rattansi.

“The idea that the United States is protecting the interests of the world against Chinese influence is clearly absurd,” Rattansi told RT. “All the United States is doing is ratcheting up military tension and pressure at a time when the world doesn’t need it.”

Posted by Documentaries


  1. Prepare for possible engagement in wps this coming days,there is possibility of a showdown,be prepared,,,


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